Youtube Fix Ctrl+F

Youtube Fix Ctrl+F

I created the Chrome Extension Youtube Fix Ctrl + F because I prefer to use Ctrl + F for finding some text in the page. The extension stops youtube from going into fullscreen when you press Ctrl+F. Credits to Adrien Pyke for his GreaseMonkey script. There are no menus involved. Just install and the plugin will take care of the rest. Tested on Windows. Comment below if you have issues or want to request something.

Snippet to create a delay in a server side script

Snippet to create a delay in a server side script

The motivation behind the creation of this function stems from the absence of a built-in setTimeout functionality in the server-side environment of Netsuite. Although I personally had not encountered the necessity for such a function, I recognized the potential value it could hold for others facing similar circumstances. It is essential to note that the provided code relies on a busy-wait mechanism, which is widely acknowledged as an antipattern and discouraged for use. This approach involves a loop that continuously…

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SuiteScript 2.0 Dialog Prompt + On SaveRecord

SuiteScript 2.0 Dialog Prompt + On SaveRecord

One of the new modules in Suitescript 2.0 is the “N/ui/dialog” module but unfortunately it doesn’t include a prompt method. I did some digging and found that the dialog module uses Sencha Ext JS. Since Ext JS doesn’t require the dialog module it can run on both SS 1.0 and 2.0! Here’s how they look like side by side: Here’s the code sample on how to achieve this (Works on both SS 1.0 and SS 2.0):

Additionally, thanks to this…

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