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Tag: hack

SuiteScript 2.0 Dialog Prompt + On SaveRecord

SuiteScript 2.0 Dialog Prompt + On SaveRecord

One of the new modules in Suitescript 2.0 is the “N/ui/dialog” module but unfortunately it doesn’t include a prompt method. I did some digging and found that the dialog module uses Sencha Ext JS. Since Ext JS doesn’t require the dialog module it can run on both SS 1.0 and 2.0! Here’s how they look like side by side: Here’s the code sample on how to achieve this (Works on both SS 1.0 and SS 2.0):

Additionally, thanks to this…

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Getting Item Earliest Available Date Programatically

Getting Item Earliest Available Date Programatically

I was browsing through the Netsuite user group and I stumbled upon this interesting question: I have a client that wants to automate the process of checking/calculating the ‘Earliest Available Date’ from the ‘Check Item Availability’ feature on the item level of a sales order. I know that this calculation is done using the ATP lead time, but I am not sure how to initiate this calculation via SuiteScript or Saved Search. I have shown this issue to NetSuite support…

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Loading custom HTML and bootstrap within a Suitelet Form

Loading custom HTML and bootstrap within a Suitelet Form

I want to share this nice hack I created to allow to run custom HTML within a Netsuite form. I am using it to load bootstrap and sweet alert, but it can be used for a lot more! In this example I am loading a basic bootstrap template, it can be tweaked to send POST messages to the suitelet and load more jQuery plugins and scripts. The end result:   Leave a comment if you liked it or think it…

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