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Tag: netsuite

Does it run Doom: Netsuite Edition

Does it run Doom: Netsuite Edition

You know what makes Netsuite the #1 Cloud ERP? No? Me neither, but as a developer I admire its flexibility. You can pretty much do anything you want with this platform. So, if you ever wondered if you could fire up a classic FPS in a Portlet, well this post is for you. Without further ado, I’ll give you the text that ChatGPT has prepared for our convenience:   Remember the thrill of booting up your computer and diving into…

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Boost Efficiency: Convert Large Netsuite CSVs to Excel XLSX

Boost Efficiency: Convert Large Netsuite CSVs to Excel XLSX

I faced a challenging project that involved converting large CSV files stored in Netsuite’s file cabinet into XLSX format, specifically in Excel files. These files varied in size, with some exceeding 30 MB and even 100 MB. Initially, I attempted to use SheetJS, a plugin designed for this purpose ( However, I encountered difficulties as the plugin loaded the entire CSV file into memory, causing errors and performance issues. To overcome this limitation, I devised an alternative solution for converting…

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