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Tag: suitescript

Boost Efficiency: Convert Large Netsuite CSVs to Excel XLSX

Boost Efficiency: Convert Large Netsuite CSVs to Excel XLSX

I faced a challenging project that involved converting large CSV files stored in Netsuite’s file cabinet into XLSX format, specifically in Excel files. These files varied in size, with some exceeding 30 MB and even 100 MB. Initially, I attempted to use SheetJS, a plugin designed for this purpose ( However, I encountered difficulties as the plugin loaded the entire CSV file into memory, causing errors and performance issues. To overcome this limitation, I devised an alternative solution for converting…

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11 Secret Suitescript 2.1 Features That Reptilians Don’t Want You To Know

11 Secret Suitescript 2.1 Features That Reptilians Don’t Want You To Know

Suitescript 2.1 is out of beta and beginning on 2021.1 release all Suitescript 2.x scripts will be running as Suitescript 2.1 so better test your existing scripts for any bugs. To change your scripts to use Suitescript 2.1 all you have to do is change this JSTag: From:


It’s also worth mentioning that as of today Suitescript 2.1 is not available for client scripts yet so bear that in mind. “let” keyword: This is basically a super…

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Downloading Suitescript APIs To Enable Code Assist

Downloading Suitescript APIs To Enable Code Assist

Having Suitescript API javascript files available locally is useful for enabling code assist features in some IDE’s like Eclipse and Brackets. To download the files just head to Netsuite’s File Cabinet and you will find the files right above the “Delete Files” button: More info on how to integrate it with your IDE available here.