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Tag: suitelet

Suitescript 2.0 SFTP Tool

Suitescript 2.0 SFTP Tool

One of the new features of SuiteScript API 2016.2 is the ability to connect to SFTP Servers directly from Netsuite. Here are some downsides I found: Not way to list the contents of a remote directory <– This has been added No way of connecting using a private key. <– This has been added Not all SFTP servers are supported as Netsuite requires the server to support some encryption algorithms. No way of obtaining the server’s hostkey natively.   Unfortunately the…

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Suitescript 2.0 Quickstart Examples

Suitescript 2.0 Quickstart Examples

Here I will be posting the most used scripts from Suitescript 2.0. These code examples are meant for beginners to be a quick start so they can quickly get a script started and add their code to them. I tried to keep them short. If you are a beginner I recommend you to check Netsuite’s Help section and navigate to Suitescript 2.0 API so you can learn more about each.   Client Script

User Event Script

Scheduled Script

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